Rodman Realty & Investment LLC
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- Pest Control
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- Small Engine Repair
- Smoothie & Juice Bar
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- Theatres
- Tourist attraction
- Towing
- Trail Rides
- Trailer Sales & Service
- Welding
- More from Realty
Phone Number: 417-620-3150
215 W College St, Branson, 65616
The following is from Tammy Rodman:
I have been a licensed Real Estate Agent for over 20 years! I have 11 years in Kansas City and 9 years in the Branson area. This is my passion! Helping people to achieve home ownership is a big deal!
Everyone's circumstance is different. Loss in the Family, downsizing, upsizing, retiring, job transfer, investment and much more. And I get to be part of it by helping and guiding you through the entire process. I have built many relationships over the years by being a Realtor. People may say "It's just a house". No, it's not! It's where their kids grew up or where they had birthday parties, anniversaries, family gatherings and all kinds of memories. It's a home that you have taken care of for years and enjoyed! I get it! Especially after just going through selling my own home recently!
I also understand the process it takes through each transaction. I work with Sellers and Buyers to achieve Real Estate goals. I also have a full time Licensed Assistant (Tiffany Forester) that is wonderful! We help you through the process by showing you previous sold homes and how they compare and we help you find a Lender in the area. Inspections are a must, and we can help you with inspectors and that process as well. From Title work to Appraisals, to the neighborhood and location, we're here to help.
Even after you close on the property, we are there for you. Do you need a referral on a contractor, plumber, electrician or HVAC person? We can help. It's not about the sale. It's about the relationship and communication involved. Knowledge is important when choosing an Agent. We make sure I keep up with the latest technology, the latest rules and regulations and anything else I can educate myself on regarding Real Estate.
Keep us in mind for investments also! Nightly rentals, flips, monthly rentals and just a good deal! We've worked with investors before, so let me know if I can help in this area as well.