Can CBD products help remedy sleeping issues? Quade and Andrea Childers own Lite’N Up Dispensary in Branson, Missouri
An article medicalnewstoday.com acknowledges the possibility that CBD can help, but it doesn’t totally endorse such products. “Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active ingredient in cannabis that may help people sleep. However, more studies are needed to confirm its safety and effectiveness as a sleep aid.” The article also addresses common concerns about CBD-induced negative results.
“THC and CBD are both psychoactive, but they affect the brain differently. Unlike THC, CBD is nonimpairing,” the article states. The couple’s business is unique and still young.
Quade and Andrea Childers own Lite’N Up Dispensary in Branson, Missouri; it’s a “hemp-derived THC dispensary.” They opened the business on August 1, 2021. Quade Childers said everyone should give CBD a chance.
He listed a few things it helps with. He said it helps with pain, stress, anxiety, sleep and inflammation. “It’s amazing,” he said. The earlier-cited article dives deeper into sleep and CBD.
According to medicalnewstoday.com, “One investigation found that, compared with a placebo, a CBD dosage of 160 milligrams (mg) increased sleep duration.” They also mention another investigation from which “researchers also concluded that the placebo, 5 mg of the insomnia drug nitrazepam, and 40, 80, and 160 mg of CBD helped the participants fall asleep.”
While it appears helpful, the article states that more study is needed to discover if “long-term” dangers exist as well as if it negatively impacts use of other medications. The website also encourages people to consult a healthcare provider before using CBD.
Sleep Foundation also has something to say about CBD and sleep. An article on the Sleep Foundation website titled “CBD as a Sleep Aid” states that the US has exercised limited regulation of the substance. Furthermore, it states that far more study is necessary to ascertain CBD’s relationship to sleep and more.
Potential CBD users may find benefits, but the article states that study of sleep disorders and CBD remains in the early stages.